Apply to LAE

Clubs offered

When you enrol at LAE, you will be asked to select three clubs that you would be interested in joining. You will be allocated to one of your options (we cannot guarantee which one). This club will last one whole term (unless stated otherwise).

See below for more information on the incredibly wide range of clubs we have offered:

Amnesty Youth Group

Join this group to stand up for human rights, justice, fairness and freedom. Help to organise events, create publicity and lobby MPs whilst having fun enjoying interesting discussions within our group. This club is open to anyone interested in creating a fairer world.  

Arabic Club

Arabic is one of the most spoken languages in the world. In this club you will learn the basics of Arabic writing and reading, starting from the very beginning and building upwards. Learning Arabic can open many opportunities in your future careers especially if you are considering working abroad.

Art Club

Develop your art, pastels, drawing or watercolour painting skills and explore your creative side.  This club provides the chance to take time away from a busy schedule and focus on yourself, socialise with fellow students and develop your talents.  

We will make use of Youtube tutorials, experiment with different techniques, have a go at some different challenges and just go with the vibes.   Everything is provided but if you would like to bring your own sketchbook/materials feel free! No experience or skills required just enthusiasm! 

Astrophysics Club

This club is for students who are fascinated by space science, keen to get involved in genuine research and gain coding skills to analyse real astronomical data. 

You will take part in research projects in conjunction with University College London and Queen Mary University London analysing data from orbiting satellites to investigate Exoplanet Transits, Magnetospheric Waves and Quasar Spectroscopy.

As well as ongoing research, you will look at other aspects of Astronomy and space science, make telescopes and classify galaxies.  This club is mainly aimed at students studying Physics and Maths in year 12 but open to keen non physicists too.

*All students are expected to commit to this club for a full academic year*

Baking Club

Learn to bake some wonderful recipes provided by our catering team!

Cupcakes, bread, muffins, biscuits, puddings and much more.

  • All utensils and ingredients supplied. 
  • You will need a large plastic tub and lid to take your baking home each week

Book Club: Gods, Goddesses, Mortals and Monsters

This club starts with the best chapters from Homer's Odyssey and explores its myths and their representation in other classical texts including Virgil's Aeneid and Ovid's Heroides.  We also look at modern adaptations, including poetry, novels and film that have reinterpreted the myths for our times. 

This is for anyone who wants to expand their reading horizons. It will include a real (or virtual) theatre trip too. 

Chess Tournament

Open to all students who know how to play chess.


Come and enter our annual Chess Tournament. Play against your opponents to get through to the next rounds. Once you lose, you take part in social games against others each week.

Classics Club

This club offers an introduction to the Latin Language and Roman Civilisation. Open to complete beginners and those with Latin/ Class Civ GCSE. Students will learn the Greek alphabet and have a go at decoding key words in the language that will enrich your own use of English.

You will also have the chance to explore various aspects of the Ancient World through basic knowledge of Latin, including Mythology, science, medicine, architecture, famous battles, historical figures and much much more.

Creative Writing Club

For any budding writers out there, the Creative Writing Club is the ideal place to hone your writing skills, find out about competitions and writing opportunities, and meet a friendly group of like-minded individuals.


Whether fiction, poetry, drama or journalism, the club provides an hour a week for you to work and receive feedback on whatever sort of writing you're interested in.

East Asian Club

In this club we will take you on a journey through the exotic countries of Eastern Asia.

Learn some language, take a look at their culture, find out about their history and philosophy and what life is in this other part of the world

German Club

Welcome to the German club for beginners. During these sessions we’ll learn the German alphabet, then greetings and how to introduce yourself, ask for directions or order a meal. We’ll learn why German is an important language (it is spoken not only in Germany!) and we’ll try to experience a little bit of the German culture.

Willkommen im Deutsch-Klub für Anfänger. Während dieser Sitzungen lernen wir das deutsche Alphabet, dann Grüße und wie man sich vorstellt, nach dem Weg fragt oder eine Mahlzeit bestellt. Wir werden lernen, warum Deutsch eine wichtige Sprache ist (es wird nicht nur in Deutschland gesprochen!) und wir werden versuchen, ein wenig von der deutschen Kultur zu erfahren.

Global Politics

This club is for students who DO NOT STUDY POLITICS.


Are you interested in the news? Do you wonder how the country could be run better? And what would 'better' mean anyway? In this club we consider local, national and international events, trying to get the bottom of what we each think - and why.


We explore what we agree on, where we disagree, developing a better understanding of why reasonable people may hold different views to us. From Brexit to benefits, Partygate to private schools, local, national, international – we tackle it all, with LAEmpathy and curiosity

Go Club

Go is a fascinating strategy game of pure logic invented in China more than 2,500 years ago. Extremely popular in Korea and Japan, and with a growing community of players throughout the world, Go club is a great opportunity to learn about this ancient game. The rules are simple, but the possibilities endless.

As part of the club you will learn the basic rules, develop in-depth strategies and have the opportunity to compete in tournaments. Both complete beginners and experienced players are welcome!

Healthcare Discussion

What is the greatest threat to human health? What are the long-term impacts of COVID on global health systems? How can access to healthcare around the world be improved? How does the latest drug to treat Alzheimer's disease work, and is it a cure? If you're interested in questions like these, come to Healthcare Discussion Club!

We will find out about and discuss new, innovative medicines and debate current health policy issues, affecting the UK and the wider world. Come ready to learn something new and share your opinion.

Journalling Club

Journalling Club will provide a space where students can explore writing in a relaxed and open setting. We'll be using different prompts and techniques to journal about various topics. This club is a low-pressure environment where you can share your thoughts, feelings and experiences through writing. Join to navigate the world of journalling together.

It's a straightforward way to explore your thoughts and feelings in a supportive community. Whether you're experienced in journalling or just want to give it a try, everyone is welcome.

Logic Puzzling Club

Learn to solve various logic based puzzles e.g. variant sudoku, nurikabe, cryptic crosswords and other types typically featured at the UK puzzle championship

Hone your deductive skills, improve your concentration and practice your explanations!

give this a go

give this a go too

Mental Health & Wellbeing Club

Joining this club will provide you with mental health and wellbeing tips from positive psychologists and philosophers on the art and science of happiness.

Each week there will be something new to learn! · How to manage your worries · Learn to cultivate good habits · Achieve stress-free productivity · Clarify your goals · Learn how to appreciate life · Manage your expectations These are just some of the things that will be included in this club – the list is endless!

Money Matters Club

This club aimed predominantly at non-economics students that want to learn about financial skills which will impact them in life.

What are interest rates? What is a mortgage? What do I need to do in order to buy a flat/house? What tax rate will I pay and how is it calculated? How can I (legally) minimise what taxes I pay? What options do I have when I save money? What are the advantages of investing in stocks, bonds, property etc? What is a budget and how can it help me?

Learn to manage your money as money DOES matter!

Music Appreciation Club

Explore and share your love of different musical genres and artists.


Each week different students will lead a session on their chosen theme (individually or in small groups) considering the style, history, politics and culture of the music (or whatever seems most interesting to you!) and of course, giving us all a chance to listen to and discover new music. 

MUN (Model United Nations)

The MUN Club (Model United Nations) allows students to learn more about how the UN operates, and prepares them to participate in organised and official MUN events such as the 2024 MUN organised by the London School of Economics. Students will enhance their knowledge or current global affairs and the world of diplomacy, and will develop their skills of research, teamwork, public speaking and listening.

Nature & Happiness

Let's explore what makes us happy.

We'll discuss evidence on the secrets of living a happy life and spreading happiness to others, as well as incorporating laughter exercises and meditation.

When possible, we'll go outside into sunshine and nature, proven to boost positive wellbeing.

Philolosophy Society

This club provides the opportunity to discuss and debate a variety of philosophical ideas in an informal, friendly environment.

Each week students decide on a different topic, from ethics and morality, the philosophy of mind, metaphysics, politics and more. No previous knowledge or experience in philosophy is required, just an open mind and a willingness to consider a variety of perspectives. If you are interested in developing your critical thinking, logical reasoning and debating skills, or just interested in discussing the big questions regarding life, the universe and everything, this is the club for you.


The purpose of PsychFlix is to offer a meeting place and sounding board for all psychology enthusiasts in LAE, whether they are formally studying psychology or not.

At PsychFlix we explore mainly documentaries and film, but also other media relating to psychology. This includes exploring contemporary issues in society and analysing them through a range of new psychological perspectives. We discuss mental health issues, sports psychology, criminal behaviour, culture, relationships and various other concepts.

PsychFlix will provide an opportunity for those interested in psychology to connect with like-minded others through engaging debates, activities, and events, and explore psychology as a wider concept

Poker Club

Most people think poker is just a game of luck. It is not. There is some luck, which makes for unpredictable fun, but the best players always come out on top in the long run.


How do they do it?

There's some basic Maths and hand selection issues, but the psychology is possibly the most important factor.


Find out all about this, and have some fun, by joining the poker club next term. Please note - we do not play with real money. We use chips, keep a running score and then there are prizes at the end of each term for the winners.

Touch Typing Club

This typing programme aims to enhance student's ability to type with greater efficiency and speed. This course supports with correct finger placement and the development of touch-typing skills through a full programme of activities.

Priority places will go to students who are typing their A Level Exams In addition to providing a chance to master a valuable work and study skill, students will also get an opportunity to concentrate on cursive handwriting.