
Posted on: May 21st 2024

Alumni Celebration 2024

Alumni Celebration1Alumni Celebration 2024On 16 May, LAE welcomed a distinguished gathering of alumni to our inaugural Alumni Celebration. The event was graciously hosted in central London by our friends at Dawn Capital whose elegant offices provided the perfect setting for reconnecting, reminiscing, and forging new connections.

Alumni Celebration 2Alumni Celebration 3Alumni Celebration 4

Warm welcome remarks delivered by Headteacher Alex Crossman and LAE Governor, Simon Smith, paved the way for inspiring addresses by student scholars Obed and Olivia. Both students spoke eloquently about the importance of a robust alumni network, and highlighted the invaluable guidance and mentorship that established professionals can, and do, offer future generations.

We all felt immense pride as we welcomed back alumni who have already established themselves in a remarkable array of professions including medicine, law, finance, consultancy, engineering, politics, entrepreneurship and beyond. LAE graduates are making their mark across diverse fields and it was truly inspiring to witness the breadth of achievements.

The celebration provided an opportunity for our staff and governors to reconnect with former students, and in doing so, witness first-hand the remarkable accomplishments of young adults who once filled our classrooms in Stratford. Their success serves as a true testament to LAE's enduring impact and a source of immense pride for the entire school community.

All in all, the Alumni Celebration was a resounding success and highlighted the vibrant tapestry of the wider LAE community.  We look forward to further events, to a future rich in collaboration and to continued success for all students, old and new.

If you are an alumni of LAE, please join our Linked In group